Early Bird Discount: enter “DRAW2021” to receive 7% off until the 25th November.
The first 8 week series of 2021 will begin on the 7th January and run until 25th February, with optional extension/catchup sessions on the 4th and 11th March.
For beginners to more advanced drawers looking to improve the fundamentals, this course will help you develop:
Volume / 3 Dimensionality
Anatomical understanding
Accuracy of observation
Classical flow and design
Following the figure drawing curriculum in my Form, Gesture, Anatomy Course, we will be working in the traditional way from professional nude life models.
At the end, you will have:
a solid, classical strategy for approaching the figure
This core strategy, based in the approach of the Italian Renaissance Old Masters will help you prioritise the big things over the small things, so that you gradually cultivate more beautiful drawings, being confident that you are not wasting time and practising an inefficient strategy or bad habits.
Apply this the core strategy to quick gesture studies…
…as well as more extended studies from life
Make your practise work for you - avoid wasting years of recreating the wheel.
And, you can always go back to the drills I teach using the online notes so that you can improve weak points or keep things fresh in the future.
I have seen people at untutored life drawing sessions make the same mistakes continually over years. These have held them back from achieving the type of convincing, beautiful drawings they desire. The drills and core strategy for drawing that I offer here are challenging but they can be a fun challenge! And they will get you drawing well in the fastest way I know how. I’m not holding any information back that could help you.
Examples of the types of drills we practise in the class:
14 different drills designed to refine the various aspects that go into classical drawing.
“There’s no shortcut but there are plenty of long-cuts!”
Each session is a mix of class demo and 1-on-1 instruction
…and each session is themed, following a carefully thought out sequence of classes to optimise your learning
So who is this course useful for?
As well as figure drawing being a wonderful practise in its own right, what I teach is particularly relevant for compositional design involving the figure. Or even without the figure, since the interdependency of structure, form and flowing connections is key in all types of traditional compositional design.
The course has two additional sessions at the end that you can choose to add on which allow for longer studies and developing rendering/shading (or allow you to catch up missed sessions at a reduced price).
You get three months complimentary access to the online notes of the Form, Gesture, Anatomy Course as well. This includes literally hundreds of illustrations as well as 3D models and instruction from the anatomy component.
An example of one of my figurative paintings directly using the principles and skills taught in this class (“The Geometry of Escape” Oil on Panel 2020)