A book-length online course featuring:


Embedded 3D models

The course contains dozens of embedded 3D models like this one (click to load, swipe to rotate, and pinch/scroll to zoom)


Extensive Diagrams and illustrations

To support both the anatomy and drawing components, there are extensive diagrams like this this one to help you see things in terms of essential relationships.



A Carefully crafted course structure

Based on many years of teaching life drawing, this curriculum is designed to integrate with the anatomy sections to save you a lot of headaches and optimise your learning


Instructional Videos

I am gradually translating the written content of the course into video presentations followed by demonstrations. This one is from lesson 5.


Reference Images and slideshows

While drawing from life is optimal, reference images have their place to study the figure, and I have created an extensive library for this course.

This is an integrated, sequential online book covering:

  1. the fundamentals of form drawing

  2. life drawing from the model

  3. human anatomy stripped back to observed essentials

Learn to see the figure in spatial, anatomical and gestural essentials - so that you can draw the figure beautifully as well as incorporate it into your own compositions


Options to access the FGA Course


1. Online

Follow along with the notes at your own pace.

Become a member then receive $20 off the cost of ordering the Simplified Écorché Kit skeleton armature which is designed to work with this course

The Form, Gesture, Anatomy Course One time payment
One time

The Form, Gesture, Anatomy Course Payment Plan
For 5 months

The Form, Gesture, Anatomy Course Subscription
Every month

Want both the FGA Course and the Kit?

GET $20 OFF the cost of the The Simplified Écorché Kit skeleton armature by purchasing the FGA Course first!

1.Sign up to the FGA Course below - choose “One Time Payment” or “Payment Plan” to access discount

2.Click on “Your Account” in the main menu at the top of the page (or here if already a member)

3.Click on “Simplified Ecorche kit discounted for FGA members” to mail order the kit



Getting Started

Resources for members


Lesson 1 : Understand the major masses and orient them in space


Lesson 2: Subforms of the torso, and using line and rendering to depict subforms

Lesson 3: Muscles of the hip and thigh, and draw the figure in rectangular prisms

Lesson 4: Muscles of the lower leg, draw the figure in softened frusta (tapering rectangular prisms)

Lesson 5: Muscles of the upper arm, and draw the figure in terms of design elements

Lesson 6: Muscles of the shoulders and back, and draw the figure in terms of gesture and vital movement

Lesson 7: Muscles of the forearm, draw the figure with emphasis on contour quality

Lesson 8: Refining the torso, and applying rendering to develop form drawings

Lessons 9 and 10: Refining the legs and arms, rendering an observed light source, and designing the drama