If you have ever set about composing a painting or sculpture, you might know how overwhelming the range of possibilities can be. Media, processes, subjects and design options seem nearly endless… Or on the other side, you get stuck in a rutt, not knowing what avenues to explore to vary your work more.
Over time, I have worked out some practical frameworks and models for cutting through the noise, overwhelm, and blocks. I have begun compiling my diagrams and notes into a sequence - a guide to composing. These are the things that I use myself, the ways that I think about pictorial composition and how to move from idea to execution of an original artwork.
For now this material will remain free to access here but over time will probably be compiled into a book.
It is at an early stage at this point but I think you will find some novel thinking as well as clarifications of tried and true ideas.
I am including here a few of the diagrams from this project which I use when teaching workshops, as well as some newly developed for my Mastrius Mentoring sessions, where I am guiding the group through a series of compositional activities. You can still join this Mastrius group and get direct feedback as well as learn from and with other likeminded peers, join at: https://www.mastrius.com/scott-breton-mentorship/
Access my Guide to Composition here, free for now, covering the most important principles and processes I know of for the enjoyable process of visual experimentation as you weave together the threads of a satisfying composition. I will be continuing to add to this guide over time and will post here when I add new content to the page.
I also touch on some important issues around meaning making, the relationship between the discipline of life drawing and the composing of images, where the skills utlised in one arena can feedback on the other.
For more context go to www.scottbreton.art/compose
For more context go to www.scottbreton.art/compose
For more context go to www.scottbreton.art/compose