Simplified Anatomy

simplified anatomy banner.jpg
L7 Inner+straight+(1) copy scott breton arm anatomy.jpg

Simplified Anatomy is one module of my “Form, Gesture, Anatomy Course”

Although designed originally for artists, it is useful for non-artists looking for a fun, efficient, tactile way to get a general understanding of human anatomy.

This course focusses on the superficially observable landmarks and masses, since it is aimed at those wishing to draw the observed, living figure. It combines some muscles into groups so that they can be understood in terms of broad relationships of function, overlap, relative size and shape, and attachment to the skeleton. For instance the forearm extensors and flexors are each grouped together, with a few exceptions, to make it easier to understand the general form and general layout of the arm.


Access the intermediate layers of simplified anatomy and other course notes at: This model is from the course in life drawing that I teach. Students build this model as a simplified Ecorche in coloured clay onto a 430mm 3D printed skeleton armature, as well as studying aspects of form drawing, and of course drawing from the life model (nude artists’ model).

The course combines extensive 2D diagrams as well as 3D models and written text to help you place coloured clay onto a 3D printed skeleton armature.

Click/tap to load the sample 3D model here, swipe to rotate, pinch to zoom.

Notice that the pose has been selected in order to show:

-A twisting, tilted torso in contrapposto (weight on one leg)

-A bent and straight knee

-A bent and straight ankle

-A bent and straight elbow

-A forward thrust shoulder and a more retracted and lifted shoulder

- A pronated forearm (palm down) and a supinated (palm up) forearm

This simplified understanding can be used gain a broad spatial understanding that will help with deeper investigation. It might also be useful to you after more detailed study to organise the detail in your mind into the general patterns.

This could be useful for those training to be:

  • Physiotherapists

  • Yoga intructors

  • massage therapists

… or anyone looking to gain a general understanding of the structure and function of the human body in a way that is accessible and enjoyable.

Contact me if you would like to find out more about booking a group session for a school or among friends.

Also contact me if you would like to find out about bulk discounts on the kit and online book access.