Further musings on the elements shared by art and science:
Plasticity: I mean by that the sense that the final conclusion remains plastic. Just as the scientist should not go into research with their mind already made up about a topic, and should instead approach it with the sense that everything is a matter of degrees of confidence, and something unexpected could well turn up, the artist is well advised to be open to the discovery of something different over the course of a work, as much as over the course of a series, or a career. It is the antidote to boring passivity - who knows what could come out of this? I consider this a beautiful mental state to be in - ideally involving degrees of confidence rather than dogmatic certainty. Being open to new evidence, not being afraid of it - is eminently practical. Reality will be whatever it is, regardless of wishful thinking, and the closer our ideas reflect the truth, the more we can both appreciate reality and proceed appropriately. To be inspired and fascinated by the unknown, with the range of exciting possibilities that the unknown represents is deeply liberating psychologically, and is a state that I aspire to spend more of my time in.
Wonder: Rodin described the artist as anyone who loves their work. I think the love stems from a fascination, a desire to go deeper and understand more, to be able to use the results of exploration to achieve things we could not before. The artist who learns to identify a certain bony landmark is empowered by it - what was a mysteriously and perhaps awkard patch of tone on the model, becomes a useful reference that the artist can use and notate efficiently and keep coherent with the rest - and hence be a thing of beauty. Where the artist engages with the world with experiments in pencil or brush, the scientist does so through a process of practical experiment. Both then have the chance for analysis of the results of the experiment, which leads to expanded possibilities and opportunites.
Peak Performance: We are all animals - the function of our mind is limited by the health of our bodies. There can ultimately be no real barrier between the two: we are exquisite instruments of sense and processing of sensation into useful conclusions about the world, and the instrument must be both maintained and expanded with the right tools. Knowing how to get oneself into a state of peak performance, to engage in a flow experience is necesary for both the artist and scientist, as it is for any creative pursuit.
The life obsession: As Jemison points out, it is the identification of truths that unites Science and Art into one spectrum of investigation, even if the experience of the truth might be more literal in the former and pyschological in the latter. For the serious artist or scientist, I suspect that every aspect of life feeds back into their respective creative pursuits, every action is somehow related to their particular adventure of discovery, everything is a stimulus to learn more, a chance to once again enter a state of beautiful, proudly humble pasticity - an open engagement with existence.